Love Connection: Love Like Jesus

  1. Jesus commanded us to love as He loved us. How does this challenge the way we typically think about love? What’s the difference between loving out of obedience versus loving out of convenience?
  2. Sacrificial love always costs something. Think about a time when loving someone required you to give something up—whether it was your pride, time, or comfort. What made it difficult? What did you learn from that experience?
  3. Jesus said our love for one another is the proof that we are His disciples. If someone observed your life for a week, what would they learn about your love? Where do you see opportunities to reflect Jesus’ love more clearly?
  4. Love in action changes the world. What is one specific way you can demonstrate the love of Christ to someone this week—especially if it’s difficult or inconvenient? How can we encourage each other to live this out as a church?